Gosfield Backyard Ultra

Join us at Gosfield, home of the UK's newest Back Yard Ultra taking place in the beautiful grounds of Gosfield School in Essex, UK.

For those who have not taken part in a backyard ultra before then this could be the format for you. It is a last man-standing event where you must begin a new lap on the hour, every hour. Runners must complete the 4.167-mile (6706 metres) loop on the hour every hour until only 1 runner remains. The ‘Horn of Happiness’ be sounded exactly on the hour and if you have failed to make the starting area before the horn sounds, then you will be disqualified from the event and will become one of the many DNF’s!

There will be only 1 athlete who does not receive a DNF and they will be crowned the champ! Pace will be crucial – go too fast early on and you may burn out too soon, go out too slow and you might not have time to look after yourself before starting the next lap.

The race will only end when there is just one more runner remaining to start a lap. It’s sure to be an exciting and enjoyable event for runners and spectators alike.
What you can expect -

A Camping area next to race HQ for runners and teams.
The route is fully marked.
The race starts at 9.00am on Saturday 24th August 2024
The site is available to set up from 6pm on Friday (23rd) evening.
Finishers memento for every runner.
A unique prize for our winner as well as £150
We will have a small aid station with lots of liquids, hot and cold drinks, and a small selection of fruits, sweets, and snacks. We will have extra tables for you to leave some items on if you don’t have a support crew. You are more than welcome to bring items for everyone or leave items for others after you have finished.

Runners Results

Photos from the event

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